Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quit Looking At Me....

It starts with just the slightest glance out of the corner of an eye, first one, then the other, then just as quickly, their eyes dart away, looking at anything but each other.  They stumble along their new path, together, but not, very separate even though the path is narrow and their arms about touch. Trees along each side of the path crowd and push them together, but they aren't yet ready, the wall between them, unseen, is too thick.  The wind has nothing to say now and has gone off to play elsewhere.  The forest is too dense to glimpse any flowers, any beauty at all.  Infinite darkness surrounds them, they are blind, but must continue lurching forward, as going back to the beautiful meadow, is not an option.  One stumbles, the other, involuntarily, reaches out, but is burned and jumps back.  In the midst of the inky blackness, sparks fly as the two rage.  On and on they tear at each other, banging heads against trees, the ground, each other.  Exhausted, their mighty hearts, slashed into bits, lie upon the memory of what could of been..  Unable to come together to accept their new path and move forward, they turn their backs to each other and mourn alone. 

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