Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Is The Measurement of Success?

In the internet age, we can find just about anything or anyone we choose to search for.  The limits are about endless.  On CBS' Sunday Morning show today, they did a piece on how you don't even have to go to church anymore, apparently...there's an app for that now.  Who knew?

Have you ever searched for someone you knew in childhood and came away amazed with how their life turned out?  I searched this morning for someone I went to 8th grade with in Ft. Leavenworth, KS.  We were both army brats, my father was attending Officer Training School there in 72-73.  Both our fathers were attorneys in the Judge Advocate General's Office of the Army.  I remember her as a sweet and outgoing girl who was always smiling and full of life.  As those were the days prior to the internet and email, we never saw or spoke again after that year we spent abutting up against the fences of the Ft Leavenworth Federal Prison.

Her name popped into my head this morning and I decided to see what if anything was out there about her.  I was pleasantly surprised to see how successful she became.  While I am happy for her, it made me look at my life.  While my life can never compare to her successes, did I have any success at all?  Well....I've worked for the same company for 24 years.  I've been a hard worker and have been able to support my family....ok....I guess that's a success.  I had two beautiful daughters.  While I was certainly not the perfect mother, they have both been loved since the minute they were born. Being able to love your children is a success as it seems, based upon news reports, that some seem to struggle with loving and putting their children first.   I hope my girls have learned from me that there is nothing more precious or important in life than loving your children.  If they learned that, perhaps I was successful as a mother.  I've loved my animals well too.  My four little doggies will be happy to tell you that, well...if they could speak!

No...I don't think my life can in anyway compare with how my 8th grade friend's turned out, but I'm happy with my life and maybe that in itself is the biggest success anyone can claim?


  1. Kim,
    I am continuing to go through you lovely stories and thoughts... I has occurred to me that I should be asking your permission to be posting comments? It may seem silly, but at my age, it is one way to keep up with your writings and also allows me to reflect on my life through reading your thoughts. Which I admit spurs memories of my own. I certainly would understand if you do not wish me to comment...

  2. Comments are absolutely encouraged and appreciated. Please feel free to post your thoughts and feelings as they come to you.
