Monday, May 16, 2011

Have Hope...

I wrote the following a few years ago when I was in a dark place.  It was amazing to reread these pieces and realize that I no longer have the pain and angst within me that I had when these were written.  For those of you wandering through your own dark places, don't give up and does get better.

 baring her soul, opening it to expose all her failings, all her fears, allowing him in, the first ever to enter the forest of her soul...the tangled vines, the twisted malformed trees, the perpetual darkness.  his light, shining in, exposing every crack and crevice, nothing hidden from his view...shrinking back in fear...the light is foreign to this place, too bright, too sudden...forcing him back, afraid for him to see who she truly is, afraid she won't be accepted, wanted...with her foibles, faults and failures.but still he waits....peering in from just outside..never forcing himself in, waiting for another invitation, for her to feel safe, to trust, to believe that he means no harm with his bright light.  he only wants to brighten the dark corners, to clear out the refuse built up over many, many years, to cleanse her, to help her be who she can be. 

but she....she also waits...she watches, she gauges, she studies and mulls it over.  can the light be trusted? it's so very bright.....but insistent, never relenting, never retracting.  she peeks out from her hiding place in the mess of her soul...she yearns for the brightness, she steps forward and then suddenly darts back....wanting, but tentative, still fearful, but.....the fear is subsiding as the light slowly moves back and forth, back and forth, bathing her in it's glow.  she waits in her darkness.....for what, she doesn't know....but she wonders and wants and wishes......does she dare take the hand that is offered?


she wanders alone in the desert landscape of her mind.....the winds ferocious, the sand whipping every direction, cutting into her, beating her down, head and body bowed down in an effort to protect herself,  wrapping her wounds, pain and past regrets tighter around her, but she finds no relief and the winds and sand persist in tormenting her.  she looks for direction, seeks out shelter, but none is to be found.  she swirls around and around mimicking the wind, fighting the sand, collapsing to the ground in exhaustion and defeat.  

she wanders alone in a hostile, cold and dark landscape.  nothing but emptiness surrounds her, envelops her.  it embraces her as a lover would, but the embrace is devoid of warmth, love and tenderness.  instead, the passion felt is of her soul, heart and mind being sucked dry, stolen by the thief who ever lurks nearby.  in return, this thief, fills her with loneliness, pain, doubt and anger.  gone is the purity of her soul, gone is the love in her heart, gone is the goodness she once possessed in such abundance.  all gone. 

as what was once her, falls to the ground in defeat and unrelenting pain, unable to even move her eyes, a light shines upon her.  this warm glow bathes her in warmth and begins to ever so slowly thaw the frigid places within.  the thief, angered and frustrated by this light that is casting out his work. tries to fight it's glow and warmth, but is forced back and back some more until she is unreachable to him.

she feels small glimmers of hope, peace and love return to her as the light unceasingly caresses, soothes and wraps her more tightly within it's embrace.  the warmth and caring are restored to her heart, mind and soul.  she rises from the cold barren ground and.....smiles.

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