I have finally accepted the truth.....It was inevitable as I'm told in many ways each and everyday. It was only a matter of time before I stopped fighting this truth.....I have failed as a mother. I have raised a child who cannot, will not, won't, stomp your feet and scream NO to the heavens ever appreciate all I've done for her. Oh...maybe when she's calm, well rested and fed, I will get some small bone thrown my way telling me that my life was worthwhile. But when she's uptight, nervous and the heavens don't align themselves perfectly for her, heaven forbid, the daggers casually thrown in my direction seemingly without a thought or care of the devastation they will cause....collapsing in a puddle, flailing, drowning in buckets of tears, regret, sorrow, breathing but barely, nose clogged, throat aching, pain from the very top of my head down through my soul to the very tip of my pinkie toe.
As mothers everywhere have said....I did my best.