Now imagine it is the darkest dark of any dark you've ever seen.
And imagine that you are alone and blind.
In front, you feel the road stretching onwards and onwards never to end.,
Behind is unimaginable beauty and love that stabs you over and over and over again.
Collapsing, alone and spent on the darkest of dark roads you see normal, everyday happenings occurring all around you.
Confused and angered, you rage at those around you...
Don't you know?
Can't you see?
How could you?
Why don't you understand? Why are you still moving forward?
Why am I alone in my grief?
Grief, a deep well that requires each to dig alone, gradually unearthing and remembering the beauty that lies beneath the dark, oozing, sweltering ache of the most permanent of loss.
Rest in Peace, Missy Dog. You will be loved and remembered forever. I know that in time, I will be able to rejoice and smile at our shared memories, but for now.....I still dig....